July 11 2018

How My Peloton Bicycle (and Their Kick Ass Instructors) Completely Changed My Life

Have you ever heard of a keystone habit? It’s one of the most important habits you can have, it has the power to transform your life. A keystone habit sparks a chain reaction that helps you develop other good habits. In my case, it took me getting a Peloton and riding it every day to get me to stop smoking, eat healthier, wake up earlier, meditate, and write in my journal (regular journal + 5 minute gratitude one). In essence, it has changed my life!

So, peeps, I told you we bought a Peloton bicycle awhile back. For months, I’d just get on and off it, taking a class here and there. I was devoted to Cody Rigsby, he’s this awesome instructor that is as hilarious as he is gorgeous! His classes made exercising fun…yes, fun! So everything was just hunky dory, I was happy I had the bike but wasn’t getting anywhere with losing weight. (This is him on his bike.)

BUT THEN! I decided to challenge myself by riding 30 times in 30 days. What sparked it was the All for One ride, Peloton took 11 instructors and had each of them teach a segment of a 45 minute ride (every instructor got to cover one song). I didn’t ride it when it was playing live but apparently, it broke a Peloton record as a 18,488 riders jammed to the beat of the music in the studio or in their homes, all at the same time. Personally, I’ve taken the class (on demand) two times and time just flies by because you’re having so much fun. Best yet is that I discovered a bunch of new instructors like Ally Love and Alex Toussaint. Now, I’ve been a member of LA Fitness and 24 Hour Fitness in the past and have taken cycling rides by their various instructors but none of them have come close to the ones at Peloton! “How so?,” you might ask!

Peloton instructors are super fit, they have dynamic personalities, they push you to your limit, they’re encouraging and they don’t just want you to get in shape, they want you to be the best person you can be. (As Ally says, “You’re a boss!”) Lately, I’ve been doing two rides a day – one with Cody Rigsby and the other with Ally Love. (See Ally, below.)

So back to the keystone habit. Riding on a Peloton every day makes me want to eat healthier because I don’t want those burned calories to go to waste. Bye bye, late night ramen and and juicy ribeye! I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve been a smoker on and off for years now but I’m committed to quitting. Why? Because exercising and smoking just don’t go hand in hand! This morning, I woke up at 5:10am and, by the time the family started stirring, at 7:30am, I had meditated, read a few pages of a book (Thinking, Fast and Slow), journaled, gotten breakfast and taken a :45 minute Ally Love class.

So, do I love my Peloton!? You better believe it! I’m on my 10th straight day and I feel great. Can’t wait to hit the “century” mark or the 100th ride and get my free tee! (I’m at 25, quarter of the way there!) In essence, when I’m riding my Peloton I feel like it’s “my time.” I come off the bike sweaty and exhausted but accomplished and exhilarated. I was pushing a size 12 but now I’m a solid size 10. Can’t wait to get my pre-baby weight off and whittle myself down to a healthy and fit size six one day.

For now, I just want to say, I love you Peloton! I love clipping into my bike and just riding, hills and all! And to all the awesome instructors out there, thank you for the “Sorry, not sorry” quips. They crack me up!

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