July 8 2017

Why I Love My Huge, Awesome, Amazing Family

I will freely admit that, though I have over 2000+ friends on Facebook, I am truly only close to my family, two girlfriends and two guy friends. I think this is because I have a bad case of social anxiety and a fear of opening up. Though I’ve come a long way, I still get nervous around new people. Speaking up in crowds? Forget it.

That being said, the most important people in my life are my family (and my friends who have become like family). When I get pissed off at one sibling, I call the other. We cry, we laugh, we just get each other. I’m lucky that my sisters are my best friends, though they are polar opposites in personality each brings a unique perspective on life. When I fight with my siblings, (ok, let’s just say it, my brother) we say things that are extremely hurtful, that cut deep. It’s no holds barred. But then, I remember that we’re blood and that ultimately we do love each other. That we have each other’s backs and that we’ll be there for each other when crisis hits.

We call ourselves the “Kimdashians” because we have our drama moments just like the real world Kardashians. (My maiden name is Kim.) Every single person in my family, including my brother-in-laws and sister-in-law, have totally unique, awesome personalities. One brother-in-law was “green” (environmentally friendly) before it was cool to be, he picks up trash on the ground to make the world a cleaner place, he builds beds and tables out of wood he finds in the forest. How cool is that? My other brother-in-law is this super smart guy who can recount the date of any memorable event. He’s an “early adopter,” always getting the latest tech toy, especially when it comes to Apple products.

One of my sisters is a fashionista, she knows what the hottest restaurants are and what the latest fashion is. My other sister is the DIY expert who isn’t afraid to take on a new hobby, whether that’s leather crafting, sewing, making pickles or creating gem stone rings.

I’m the entrepreneur of the family, fascinated by business. I also have a love for art, design and photography, and though I’m not good at any of these, I have developed the eye for curation.

I could go on and on but I’ll just stop here and say that, though my siblings and I have had a rough childhood, we’ve all come out of it stronger people. We’re as close as close can be. I thank God for these people in my life and I consider myself the luckiest person in the world to be a part of this family.

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